Friday, August 14, 2020

4 truths 1 lie

 four truths one lie

In class our teachers played four truths one lie so i thought i might as well do this.

I had to go to the ER( emergency room) 3 times.
In my whole life i had 5 dogs 4 fish 4 hamsters and 1 cat so 14 pets in my whole life.
I've gotten hitten by a tree in the head.
I don't know what to put here.
Most times when i get a pet for myself they live the longest.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jonah it's Jorja from your class I have done one of these to but yous is nothing like mine i think the four truths are that you have gotta hit in the head by a tree, when you get a pet it live the longest and you have been to the emergency room 3 times i think the lie is that you do'n know what to put if that is right go to my blog and tell me if it right. other than that i really liked you blog about 4 truths and 1 lie keep up the good work


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